Selectman - ορισμός. Τι είναι το Selectman
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Τι (ποιος) είναι Selectman - ορισμός

Selectmen; First selectman; Selectman; Board of Selectmen; First Selectman; Select board; Draft:First selectman; Select Board; Selectboard; Selectpeople; Board of Selectman

¦ noun (plural selectmen) a member of the local government board of a New England town.
·noun One of a board of town officers chosen annually in the New England States to transact the general public business of the town, and have a kind of executive authority. The number is usually from three to seven in each town.
Board of selectmen         
The board of selectmen or select board is commonly the executive arm of the government of New England towns in the United States. The board typically consists of three or five members, with or without staggered terms.


Board of selectmen

The board of selectmen or select board is commonly the executive arm of the government of New England towns in the United States. The board typically consists of three or five members, with or without staggered terms. Three is the most common number, historically.

Παραδείγματα από το σώμα κειμένου για Selectman
1. "There are so many questions," said First Selectman Frank J.
2. Lamont served as a Greenwich selectman years ago but is a neophyte in a statewide race.
3. An adult and child in the car were killed, said Paul Eccard, a Waterford town selectman.
4. Lamont‘s previous political experience was serving in local offices such as selectman in Greenwich, Conn.
5. Former selectman Jim Vaccaro said some residents have not forgotten that "terrible period." "Some people were hurt," he said.